An Inspiring Conversation With Talented Artist Luchi! Exclusive Interview!

Luchi's latest single, "You'll Hurt More," is Out Today!

Gifted with a unique sound, brilliant songwriting skills, and a rich and warm voice, Luchi is without a doubt one of those artists who know how to captivate their listeners! With his excellent “You’ll Hurt More,” this talented artist originally from Glasgow, UK, marks an important milestone in his career and earns his place in the international pop panorama!


Today we have the pleasure of sharing with you his latest release, and diving into his world with an exclusive interview!


Hi Luchi, thank you so much for being with us today at Planet Singer! Your latest release, “You’ll Hurt More,” is out today, and I have to say, it is such a powerful and captivating track! We are thrilled to know more about your artistic journey, so let’s start from the very beginning! When did you discover your passion for music?

I know it’s maybe a cliché, but I was born with a passion for music. It’s so intrinsically part of my being that I can only put it down to being something I was born with. I don’t specifically remember when I discovered my passion for it as it was always there, but I was about 13 years old when I started writing my own songs in my bedroom, and that was the start of this journey I’ve been on ever since. Music has always been there for me when I need it like a best friend, and I genuinely don’t know where I would be without it.

“You’ll Hurt More” is a song that enriches your discography and shows your talent and artistic maturity! Can you tell us more about this release?

The day I wrote this song, I got a message from my ex, years after we had split up, wanting to meet up for a coffee and a chat. I am a firm believer in not going backward when it comes to relationships because there was a reason it didn’t work out in the first place so instead of replying to him, I wrote this song. It’s everything that I would have wanted to hear all those years ago. When you go through a breakup, it can often be the case that one person struggles more than the other, and if you’re anything like I used to be, you sit at home crying, stalking their social media then getting angry with seeing them out, living their “best life,” or how fast they move on so this was my way of addressing that. It can become a game, that no one knows they are playing, of “who won the breakup.” 

When I wrote the song last year, it started out with just a vocal and guitar, but I could hear it being a big pop anthem in my head. I felt that this song was a really empowering breakup anthem and I wanted to reflect that in the production. So me and my producer Chris Stagg got to work and I love that it’s quite different to the other stuff I have released recently in terms of its sound and it has a bit of sass in it. There’s still vulnerability in it like all my songs have but it’s one to listen to with the windows of the car down, up full blast, and singing at the top of your lungs. 

Will it be included in a full-length?

There aren’t any plans for an album at the moment, but you never know. The way the industry is at the moment with streaming platforms and playlists, I think that it’s hard to release an album.

Your songwriting is pretty unique. Can you tell us what your creative process is? How does your music come to life?

It’s honestly different every time. I can usually hear a whole song in my head from when I start to get the idea and then it’s all about making that vision come alive. With my last single “Things He Handed Down,” the song started with a piano track that my collaborator Jiro sent to me, and I already had the concept of “Things He Handed Down,” and how as always positive. The piano track was really inspiring and the song just flowed out of me. I think because I write from real-life experience, it just flows naturally. With this song, you’ll hurt more, it started out as a guitar that I came up with and then I was able to build it from there. The hardest part I find is getting the idea from my head out. I think a lot of the reason my music is unique is because it’s coming from my perspective and uses my language which is different from other artists.


Where do you find your inspiration?

I find my inspiration from all different places. I have loads of notes on my phone; notes of song titles and too many voice notes to count of melody ideas that pop into my head. A songwriter friend of mine in Nashville once told me that you have to keep your songwriting antenna up as you can find inspiration from anywhere. Whether it be overheating a conversation in a coffee shop or watching a program or movie on TV inspiration can really come from anywhere.

Also, I have been through a lot in my life, so I can always draw on those experiences when writing and I think that is one of the reasons that my music is relatable because it comes from a real place. I remember when I was younger, wishing that somebody would break my heart so that I could write a great song but those experiences come through life, and music is therapy for me.

Several years have passed since your first single was officially released. “Don’t Look Back,” set the first milestone of a rock-solid career. Since day one, it was clear that honest narrative and real-life experiences were strong pillars of your compositions, and we can feel that one of the things that make you stand out is the need of being genuine to your fans. How important is it for you to touch your listeners by releasing music they can resonate with?

It is really important for me to be able to connect to my listeners but I don’t really know any other way to be apart from being genuine. I am a very upfront person and wear my heart on my sleeve so it comes natural to me, to be honest. I always want to give my fans the same experience that I get from artists that I love when you feel like you know them through the songs. Sometimes being an open book can leave you feeling very vulnerable, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

If you could travel back in time, what piece of advice would you give to 13 y.o. Luchi making the first steps in music?

That’s a really tough question, but I would probably tell him that it is all going to be okay. At that point in my life, I was really unhappy, and if I’d known that I would be living the life that I am now I think it would’ve made the journey a little bit easier. But in saying all of that, I wouldn’t change a thing, so I’d probably just tell him to hold on tight because it’s going to be a rocky road but you’ll find freedom at the end of it.

Can you tell us more about your incredible experience with Stargate and their team at Los Angeles Academy for Artists & Music Production?

Working with Stargate was such a privilege. It also came at the perfect time as we were in lockdown so I don’t have a lot of other things going on. I was so nervous to work with them as a lot of their songs I had grown up with and I’m glad that I took the chance because it was an incredible experience, and I made so many friends along the way. The mentors were also really inspiring and taught me so much about the industry. Also, they provided great opportunities to work with incredible artists. I still work with the team and really feel proud to have been part of their inaugural year. 


What are your plans for the future?

There will be a few different versions of this song coming in the next few weeks which is something I haven’t done before so that’s exciting for me. Keep an eye on my socials for that news. I already have the next single ready which is back to the ballads, my forte. The song has a really powerful message so I can’t wait for everyone to hear it and hopefully, you’ll have me back to discuss that when it’s out. 

I’m off to LA in a few weeks to write so hopefully some good things will come out of that trip. There are some things in the pipeline that I don’t want to jinx by talking about but fingers crossed you’ll be seeing a lot more of me coming up. I’ve also been in the studio recently working on new songs, which are sounding great and are a bit of a different, more edgy pop sound to my previous releases so there’s a lot more music to come from me. 

Luchi, it was such a pleasure having you with us. Is there anything you would like to say to our readers?

Thanks for taking the time to chat with me and hopefully we will chat again soon. I’d just say thanks for the support and follow me on social media at or and I will keep you updated on all the latest goings on in Luchi Land 😀

Check the links below, discover more about Luchi and his music, and remember to add his tracks to your favorite playlists!

Linktree: Luchi Music

Spotify: Luchi

SoundCloud: Luchi Music

YouTube: Luchi Music

Instagram: Luchi Music

TikTok: Luchi Music