Exclusive interview with talented artist Edgar Dickey about his latest single and much more!

"Come Over" is an incredible track you cannot miss!

Edgar Dickey is one of those artists you can’t forget! It takes just one play of his single, “Come Over,” to understand the incredible talent and potential of this artist. Gifted with a unique approach, brilliant songwriting skills, and a clear understanding of how to stand out in the music industry, Edgar released an excellent single that convinces the listeners from the first note to the last!

Today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of listening to his track, diving into the music and artistic journey of this talented artist with an exclusive interview!

Hi Edgar, thanks for being here with us at Planet Singer. Your style, songwriting, voice, and approach are truly unique, are we are thrilled to know more about your artistic journey. So, let’s start from the very beginning. How did you discover your passion for music?

As a child, I just knew that singing would be a big part of my life because I loved listening to music.

Your single, “Come Over,” is a brilliant release. You did a great job making a catchy, engaging, and sensual song, an elegant touch that shows your artistic maturity. Can you tell us more about this song?

Well, lol, the song definitely came from a real place. I wrote it from experiencing it.

And the song is also supported by an excellent music video. Was it always in the plan to release a music video for the song, and how did you set up the whole project?

I knew I wanted to shoot a video because of my progress with my weight loss. I have been on a journey with being obese and having low self-esteem. I was at 325 now. I’m down to 248, so I’m feeling a lot better about myself and more confident.

This is fantastic. So, where do you find your inspiration?

Just knowing God chose to give me this amazing gift to share with the world.

Your songwriting is pretty unique. Can you reveal what your creative process is? How does your music come to life?

I write from my heart and emotions and experience.

Edgar, your voice is incredible as well! Have you ever attended vocal lessons, or are you a natural talent?

I’m a natural singer but always willing to learn. So I’ll take lessons in the future.

Are you planning to do any live or streaming shows anytime soon?

Manly in the studio making new music. Due to COVID, I’m pretty careful about live shows for now.

If you could collaborate with one of the artists who influenced your music, who would you like to share a song or the stage with?

J holiday.


What are your plans for the future?

To become an international Artist and sing around the world to heal the people.

Edgar, it was such a pleasure having you with us today. Is there anything you would like to say to our readers?

Don’t forget to smile and hug someone because it may save their life.

Check the links below, discover more about Edgar Dickey, and don’t forget to add his tracks to your favorite playlists!

Spotify: Edgar Dickey

YouTube: Edgar Dickey

Facebook: Edgar Dickey

Instagram: William Edgar Dickey

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