Er Biacco & Leonardo Deri and their music are proof that when talent and passion unite, music has no boundaries!
“Seven Spikes” is a track that shows not only the incredible maturity and talent of these Italian musicians but also their artistic maturity and versatility. Incorporating vibes from many genres, this song speaks clear to the listeners, captivating their attention from the very first seconds to the last!
Today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of discovering more about their project and their artistic journey with an exclusive interview!
Hi guys, thanks a lot for being here with us at Planet Singer! Your latest single is much more than an excellent track, there is much more behind the music and lyrics that make this song so special, and we are thrilled to know more about this project so, let’s start from the beginning! How did you guys meet? Have you worked together before?
Hello everyone, and thanks for your words! We met in the mid-90s, and music has always been the glue to our friendship, just as today, after several experiences spent together in some local groups, we still have fun composing, playing it, and comparing on the ratings that we suggest ourselves in the music scene!
“Seven Spikes” is one of those songs that go straight to the listeners’ hearts. Can you tell us more about this song?
LEONARDO: The song was born during the lockdown from a guitar riff by Emiliano, who proposed me for a new piece to do together. I liked it very much immediately because it gave me a sense of tranquility that is very difficult to find in this period of uncertainty. From there, his arrangement developed, becoming Seven Spikes, a sort of homage to the mental sustainability of a difficult period like this.
Excellent songwriting and brilliant arrangement make this song stand out. Can you guys reveal what your creative process is? How did “Seven Spikes” come to life?
ER BIACCO: It was born instinctively. Letting the music flow without thinking about it too much. A very simple chord round that even a novice can play. A rhythmic game in which the sevenths peek out here and there to alter the perception of the melody. Feeling this mood, the idea was to dress the song with a country style. As an experiment. To get involved in something different than usual. With piano, violin, and slide guitar. But still leaving the doors open to the creativity of others. The deliveries were like: Do what you want. Do what you like and enjoy. Don’t think about it too much, do it straight away. Thus was born seven spikes.

The collaboration with other excellent artists such as guitarist Matteo Quiriconi and drummer Francy Karema gives that extra soul to the track. How did you guys manage the recording process during the lockdown?
ER BIACCO: Matteo Quiriconi is our friend and a blues guitarist we adore. He is crazy, very good. In my opinion, one of the few in the area who has developed his own personal style. We had already collaborated on a cover of Yardbirds – Lost woman. (you can find it on Spotify). We knew he was the right person for this experiment. Francy Karema plays in an experimental Jazz project with a friend of mine from Lombardy. You have a studio where you record the drums. She is a truly technically trained drummer. She showed him the song, she liked it, and she proposed to play it. Why not? Simple. About the recording process: Everyone recorded their parts at home and emailed them to me. I did nothing but mix everything with my computer … avoiding touching the compressors as much as possible so as not to impoverish the sound. So then those come into play in the mastering phase.
“Seven Spikes” is painfully beautiful. The lyrics dig deep into ourselves, revealing the raw reality of our society. Leonardo, how did you find the right interpretation for such a powerful piece? Was it intuitive, or did you have to take your time to achieve such an outstanding result?
LEONARDO: Wow! Thank you very much for your words; it’s difficult to know how to answer or where to start. I can tell you that the text and its interpretation were born together, from a melody that was spinning in my head for the riff come on first plays. As I said to you, it immediately gave me a pleasant feeling of calm that I only tried to adapt through the words that seemed to me the most right to the need to get out, at least mentally, from the chaos. It was all very spontaneous and fast, as well as the reference to nature in the text and to the empathy with which we should take care of what is around us, for ourselves, perhaps before it is really too late.

Er Biacco, as a multi-instrumentalist and producer, where do you find your inspiration?
ER BIACCO: From not seeing this as a job. For me, it is a pastime. An activity that makes me feel good. That relaxes me.
This project involves musicians from Tuscany and Lombardy. What’s the music scene like in these regions of Italy?
Since after the punk-hardcore of the 80s in Italy, there is no longer a music scene. Here there are so many people who play. That’s all. In short, frankly, we don’t notice any differences between Tuscany and Lombardy.

Are you planning any gig or live stream any time soon?
No, not at the moment.
What are your plans for the future?
Live the present better!
Guys, it was such a pleasure having you with us and discovering more about your music! We are sure that this project will inspire many of your listeners! Is there anything you would like to say to our readers?
The pleasure is ours, thank you very much for having received our song so well, we are really happy about it! We send everyone a big CIAO, and stay safe!

Check the links below, discover more about Er Biacco & Leonardo Deri and their music, and don’t forget to add their tracks to your favorite playlists!
Spotify: Er Biacco & Leonardo Deri
Amazon: “Seven Spikes“
YouTube: “Seven Spikes“
Digital Links: “Seven Spikes“
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