Genuine and straightforward, Myloh Remora is one of those Hip-Hop artists who stand out from the crowd thanks to their direct and honest approach to their music and audience!
Songs such as the captivating “knoWHERE” and the brilliant “Saga Genesis” are proof not only of Myloh’s talent but also of his artistic maturity and stylistic versatility!
Today, at Planet Singer, we have the pleasure of chatting with this talented artist, diving into his world, and discovering more about his artistic journey!
Hi Myloh! Thanks for being with us today at Planet Singer! Your style is unique, and songs like “Saga Genesis” are excellent releases that enrich your brilliant discography! We are thrilled to know more about your music and artistic journey, so let’s start from the very beginning! When did you discover your passion for music?
I think most people grow up having somewhat of a passion for music. We all have our favorite songs and movies, etc., so I’ve loved music in that sense my entire life. I mean, who wasn’t invested in some form in Michael Jackson in the 90s. It was really casual until about 6 or 7 years old. It became a passion, though, once I started crushing on girls in 5th and 6th grade; I used to listen to the radio every day at my grandma Tennie’s house and just think about girls. That’s when I started to write music. I attribute a lot of my early creativity to my older brother Daniel, my dad Jeff, my sister Shavon, my cousins Gabe, Ryan, Rydell, Brittany, my brother Jeryme, my best friend Jeremy, and more. It just developed naturally and took a life of its own.
“Saga Genesis” is such a deep and honest track that speaks straight to the listeners’ hearts. Can you tell us more about this track?
Yes! Thank you! To be honest, it was just me calling out the consumer. There’s always so much pressure as an indie artist to meet the standards that others place on us. I felt like I needed to take a step and just call out those who have slept on me and doubted me throughout the years. I’ve been on this upward motion for years and worked just as much musically as I do my regular job. I’m always tired and always grinding. There are many others like me, and it’s time for us to stand up to the negativity and criticism.
The whole concept of your “Episode 1.1: Myloh Remora & The Dirty Internet” is captivating and brilliant. There we can find excellent tracks such as the opening “WHAAM!!!” and the inspiring “knoWHERE.” What’s the story behind this project?
Well, I needed a break from social media badly. I was too involved and invested. There’s so much toxicity that comes with being online that it oftentimes only adds to the stresses of the day-to-day experience. I felt like I needed to cleanse. The song WHAAM features my actual blood brother Dante Shead, and it’s just about being the goat which is what, mostly, everyone on the net says they are, so we’re just picking fun at that. KnoWHERE is me in an actual panic attack. That’s all very real, to be honest. It’s a continued story of what my first album (Minivan to Heaven)was about.

Can you tell us what your creative process is? How does your music come to life?
Hmmm… deep question, let’s see! Umm, first thing is first, I search for beats everywhere, and I just write tons of choruses; I rate the choruses on a 1-10 ranking and only go back to the ones that get a ten. The other ones I forget about, and after I have so many of them, I decide which ones I want to record and start to write rhymes to them. They come to life only when there is an emotional attachment. I write way more trash music than good music but only release the stuff I deem worthy.
Your sense of rhythm and delivery is incredible, proof not only of your talent but also of your hard work on being technically prepared for challenging lyrics. How important is it for you the balance between technique and musical instinct?
It comes from being a lover of music. I study everything. I try anything I can get my ears on. Eminem to Fiona Apple to Kendrick Lamar to Juice Wrld, you name it, and I’ve probably tried it. I even study singers I know like Jade Nickol or Viktoria Silk(Dallas musicians). First, I establish the technical aspects, and then I personalize them. It’s the same process I’ve used since the 90s. Learning is key and studying.
An inspiring conversation with talented artist Myloh Remora!
Are you planning any live shows anytime soon?
I am always on stage. Do your research, but if you mean in a tour aspect, I plan on touring in the next few years at least 6 to 10 states, hopefully with Allnamestkn, Viktoria Silk, and more…
An inspiring conversation with talented artist Myloh Remora!

Where do you find your inspiration?
I am inspired by anything and everything that I can feel. If I feel something, then I can make music about it.
If you could collaborate with one of the artists you appreciate or who inspired you, who would you like to share the stage or a song with?
Hmmm… Fiona Apple, Eminem, Andre 3000, Pharrell, Kendrick, Drake, Lil Wayne, Lorde, Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Norah Jones, Tyga, Dame DOLLA, Dre, Snoop, Tyler, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Timberlake, Ludacris, Ravs, Lil Baby, Nicki, Cardi B, Selena Gomez, 21 Savage, Nas, Jay, Frank Ocean, Daft Punk, Kirk Franklin, Gwen Stefani, Vince Staples, Chance The Rapper, Cudi, Ashanti, The City Girls… I mean, this list never ends!
What are your plans for the future?
Make my family rich asf! Change the world in positive way, get old, and celebrate.

Myloh, it was such a pleasure having you with us! Is there anything you would like to say to our readers and your fans?
My pleasure! Yes!! Don’t ever give up on yourself! It starts and ends with you and your belief! Thanks again!
Check the links below, discover more about Myloh Remora and his music, and don’t forget to add his tracks to your favorite playlists!
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