An Inspiring Conversation With Talented Artist Christopher Michaels!

Inspired and captivating, Michaels' sound makes him stand out from the mass thanks to refined arrangements and a unique talent for storytelling!

With his latest release, the brilliant “No Place Like Home,” Christopher Michaels reaches an important milestones in his music career!

Today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of diving into this talented artist’s world with an exclusive interview!



Hi Christopher, and thanks for being with us today at Planet Singer! Your latest release, the excellent full-length “No Place Like Home,” is a great example of passion, narrative, and artistic maturity. We are thrilled to know more about your musical journey, so let’s start from the very beginning! When did you discover your passion for music?

I discovered my passion for music from age 13 and up. When I was in high school, I wanted to be in a boy band, but when I got my first guitar, is when I fell in love with it. I played music for church and built my expertise up from there. It wasn’t until I was in my 20s that I got into regular secular music and started playing for cover bands, mostly punk bands. Then I turned to writing my own material when I was around 26 years old creating content for my own album, and have been into music ever since then.

Can you tell us more about your album “No Place Like Home?” How did this project come to life?

Well, I wanted to come up with something new, something fresh, a different style I don’t normally do. I have my own recording studio, Miles Away Media, LLC, I wanted to put out my kind of music to show people my talents, such as writing and producing. So, I produced this album to get my work out there and show what I am capable of doing.

Among the brilliant songs that form the tracklist of your album, we find”Unique,” a catchy and intense piece that perfectly introduces the listeners to the album. What’s the story behind this song?

The story behind “Unique” was I wanted to come up with a fast-paced song, this song specifically, that gave more of a positive message. I didn’t feel there were enough songs with positive messages out there today, songs that tell people they’re perfect the way they are. I thought it would be an amazing song to start the album off to capture interest and show the listeners, the very narrative of what this album was supposed to be about. Overcoming obstacles, passion and drive, moving forward in life and positivity.

Your songwriting style and your sound are unique. Can you reveal what your creative process is? How does your music come to life?

My creative process, I’m not sure is any different than other songwriters. I like to envision, like a cinematic scene in my mind of what I want to convey, and then put it into writing. This is almost the same concept as writing, a novel, or a movie script, and getting it on paper.


Where do you find your inspiration?

I find it in everything, my kids, my family, the positive things that I go through each day, the people I meet, the places I perform. I like waking up in the morning and finding there is a silver lining to everything whenever I can every day. It’s a lot easier to see the negative than the positive, but I choose to see the positive, and it works in my music.

Another gem is “My Love.” Can you tell us more about this song?

Yes, I loved writing that song just as much as writing “Unique.” I wasn’t sure where I was headed when I first started writing it, but towards the end, the song developed. I came to an understanding that the song is basically stating if you’ve been with someone for years and you get to a point where you take them for granted, they don’t seem like the person you fell in love with, but then something happens and you can see a spark that wasn’t there and love gets revived like you meet them for the first time all over again. That’s pretty much what “My Love” is about. I love the storyline.

From your song, it is clear how crucial it is for you to tell a story and to keep the listeners entertained and engaged, thanks to the narrative of your lyrics. How important is it to you to touch your listeners through your music?

It is very important for me to reach, not just one listener, but multiple listeners. It’s very important for me to write lyrics in a storyline that people can follow, not just in storyline, but in a way that any listener can relate to. I want my songs to mean different things to each person from all walks of life. So it’s very important for the lyrics I write to mean something and matter, but to also be constructed in a way that anyone can take it, however, they want.

Are you planning any live gigs this summer?

Yes. I do want to play at some gigs locally, but I do plan on expanding more now with the new album and go further out from California. I hope to see more people following my songs and buying the album and touching bases with me about wanting to see my show.


What are your plans for the future?

I have a Christmas album coming out and a country genre album in the works. My ultimate goal is to build my company, Miles Away Media, LLC into something bigger, and to help other artists who don’t feel they can reach their dreams and build them up to a higher plateau, and give them what they’re been wanting, when nobody else would.


Christopher, it was such a pleasure having you with us today! Is there anything you would like to say to our readers?

Yes. What I would like to say, is never give up. If you have a dream, there is no dream too big or too small to reach. If you can dream it, you can do it. Remember, one thing, your dreams are never ever Miles Away.

Check the links below, discover more about Christopher Michaels and his music, and remember to add his tracks to your favorite playlists!