Singer, songwriter, producer, DJ, and much more; Hobday is a creative artist with a clear vision of his music and craft!
Versatile and productive, Hobday is one of those artists who focuses on what is important: the music and its message. Hobday’s exceptional single “Empathy” is proof of brilliant artistry and maturity, an excellent track that captivates the listeners from start to finish!
Today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of discovering more about this talented artist with an exclusive interview!
Hi Hobday, thanks a lot for being here with us at Planet Singer! I listened to your latest single, “Empathy,” on loop today; what a great track! We are thrilled to know more about your music and your artistic journey so, let’s start from the beginning! When did you discover your passion for music?
It’s actually kind of a funny story because I really didn’t listen to music growing up. In fact, I had close to no interest. It’s honestly sort of mind-boggling. But I was one of maybe three kids in 5th grade who decided not to play an instrument. Until the age of 16, my life consisted pretty much solely of sports and video games. And then at age 16, well… I started getting high (much to my parents’ ever-vocal dismay).
One night that summer, I came home to my mom’s place, and my stepdad Kirk put on a recorded concert of Stevie Ray Vaughan from back in the 70’s. Kirk spent a lot of time in Austin in his 20’s and was (and still is) a big fan of the blues. He turned that TV up full volume, and when I heard Stevie’s guitar come blaring through that television set for the first time, my life was forever changed. Talk about power. That boy Stevie had the goods. If I ever have a little girl, I’ll probably name her Stevie (if my wife is on board, that is lol).
Anyway, in that moment, hearing Stevie Ray for the first time, I pretty much jumped instantly to the other side of the duality. A deep realization that music has the ability to move me in a way that very few other things could. From “I don’t really listen to music” to “Music is the reason I’m alive.” Kinda wild. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was the planting of the seed that would eventually grow into my passion and purpose.
Your song “Empathy” shows your talent as a songwriter, producer, and performer, but also is a clear example of how a music producer can sound modern and competitive with the mainstream sound yet keeping that uniqueness that makes you stand out from the crowd! Can you tell us more about this song?
I can still remember the first time I worked on this song. In one sitting, I made the main beat and then wrote the first verse and the chorus (the drop came later). But I cried when I wrote this one, because it just spoke so deeply to me, and I felt it was such a beautiful representation of what I want to express.
This song is all about the emotion evoked thru music and the things I feel when I’m deep in the creative process. So much of being an artist and a producer for me is all about the way the creative process makes me feel. Honestly, over the years, that is the main thing that has kept me going. The way the music I make makes me feel. I believe that if I can find ways to move myself emotionally while I’m creating, that eventually, those feelings will move thru others as well when they listen to my music or see me perform. It’s all about creating opportunities for real connections with others. That’s what I’m after; Connection.

Your style is dynamic and creative. Can you reveal your songwriting process? How does your music come to life?
Honestly, for me, the creative process is something that really happens in the moment while I’m producing. Rarely do I have a crystal clear idea of things I want to create. Often it’s the process of actually sitting down and starting to make music that generates the inspiration. I have also worked through quite a bit of depression in my life, and music is an outlet for those feelings. Translating my depression into melodies is one of the most soothing experiences I know.
What inspires you?
That’s a great question with many answers. A few things off the top of my head would be my family, my friends, this planet, my musical influences, psychedelics, a desire to be great, and a desire to bring some light to this world and connect with all these beautiful people.
The last couple of years have been tough on the music industry, but they also gave a big boost to live-streaming, online collaborations, etc. As an artist, how do you think this can help an artist’s career?
The world is always in flux, and the music industry is no exception. Things are constantly changing, and either you can learn to grow and adapt, or you can get left behind. I find there are so many opportunities to connect with other like-minded and talented individuals online and through social media. In fact, many of my upcoming collaborations are a direct result of networking online and developing relationships with people in the online sphere.

Hobday is a very catchy artist name; I would love to ask you, what’s the story behind it?
My full name is actually Andy Hobday. So Hobday is my last name. People have called me Hobday for as long as I can remember. So, when it came time to launch this new project, it felt like the natural choice.
Your music isn’t ruled by ego like it often happens in the industry. Of course, you do what you love and what you feel is artistically genuine, but more importantly, your music focusing on the audience, what they would like to listen to, and what your music should transmit. This is a big sign of maturity that is evident in your release. How important is it for you to connect with your audience?
You are SO on point with this one. I am very impressed. Connecting with my audience is really the only thing that matters to me. At the end of the day, it’s my followers and fans that will be supporting my journey, and thus it is my responsibility to provide them with music that they will love. Of course, I want to stay true to who I am as a creative, I always have my audience in mind when I’m creating, and I’m obsessed with creating things that will resonate with them.

You have a very distinctive sound, and we, at Planet Singer, are always very curious to know more about an artist’s voice. What’s your relationship with it? What do you like singing apart from your tracks?
I really enjoy all kinds of music, but particularly acoustic music and music with female lead singers. Florence and The Machine, London Grammar, Leon Bridges, and The Head and the Heart are just a few. I am most inspired by music that makes me feel something on a deep emotional level.
If you could collaborate with one of the artists who inspired you the most, who would you like to share a song with?
Damn, there are so many artists that I could name here, but I think, ultimately, I would have to hand it to Kid Cudi. In high school, his music got me through a lot of shit, and I’ve been an avid fan and a follower of his for a long time. Even just the opportunity to meet Scott would be a dream come true.
What are your plans for the future?
I refuse to stop hustling until I’m playing sold-out shows all over the United States and then all over the globe. That’s what I’m after. In the short term, my main focus is continuing to build the new brand and release new singles consistently. You’ll see new music coming out of my camp once every six weeks for quite some time!
Hobday, it was such a pleasure having you with us today. We can’t wait for your next release! Is there anything you would like to say to our readers?
One of the most important things I’ve learned over time is that some days are good days and some days are bad days. If things are going really poorly for you, that are almost certainly some good days around the corner, and vice versa. The only way to lose is to quit. Just keep swimming.

Check the links below, discover more about Hobday and his music, and don’t forget to add his tracks to your favorite playlists!
Official Website: www.hobdayofficial.com
Spotify: Hobday
Instagram: hobdayofficial
Facebook: hobdayofficial
YouTube: Hobday Official
Soundcloud: hobdayofficial
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