David Belle Releases Brilliant Debut Album “The Beginning” – A Must-Listen for All Rock Fans

David Belle, award-winning film producer and social entrepreneur, has recently expanded his creative horizons to the world of music with his debut album, "The Beginning." Co-written and co-produced with Alessandro Meynardi and recorded at their Black Lotus recording studios in Los Angeles, this album marks an impressive entry into the music scene for Belle.

“The Beginning” features a talented ensemble, including Lorenzo Meynardi on drums, Riccardo Gresino on piano and organ, Rafi on backing vocals, Josie Maran on lead vocals, and Grammy-winning harmonica player Charlie McCoy. Belle’s diverse background in film and social entrepreneurship shines through in his music, infusing each track with a deep narrative and emotional resonance.
The album opens with the excellent track “Free,” which immediately captures the listener’s attention with its brilliant guitar riffs and compelling lyrics. The song tells the story of a woman and a man who each decide to break free from their oppressive realities and seek their paths to freedom. Belle’s storytelling prowess, combined with the song’s dynamic musical arrangement, makes “Free” an unforgettable opener.


Another standout track on the album is “Connection.” This song showcases Belle’s versatility and creativity, blending thoughtful lyrics with a captivating melody that lingers long after the song has ended. The collaboration of talented musicians on this track further elevates its impact, making it a highlight of the album.
Belle’s journey into music is not entirely surprising given his previous involvement in the benefit album “Let the Rhythm Lead,” which he co-produced with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Jackson Browne and singer-songwriter Jonathan Wilson. Browne’s track for that project, “Love is Love,” was co-written with Belle and has since been re-recorded for Browne’s latest album, “Downhill from Everywhere.”


Currently, Belle is working on his second album, with plans to release new music annually. His passion for storytelling and dedication to his music suggest that listeners can expect more compelling and thought-provoking music in the years to come. “The Beginning” is a must-listen for all rock fans and anyone who appreciates well-crafted, narrative-driven music, and we can’t wait for David Belle’s next release!

Check the links below, discover more about David Belle and his music, and remember to add his music to your favorite playlists!

Official Website: www.davidbelle.net

Spotify: David Belle

Instagram: Official David Belle

YouTube: Official David Belle