MACEO MUSA – “Let You Go” Exclusive Review!

Music is like a limitless ocean; countless artists release their music every day, sharing their vision of life with the world. When it comes to Hip-Hop, our horizons widen even more. Hip-Hop is more than a music genre; it is a lifestyle, something you have to feel before you can truly understand it. Among all the artists we had the pleasure of listening to this year, one stands out thanks to his incredible talent and genuine approach. Maceo Musa is one of a kind, and today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of listening to his track, “Let You Go,” from his album “The Beauty of Pain,” an excellent release that proves Musa’s versatility and creativity!


Maceo Musa is a talented artist whose music contributes enormously to the contemporary music scene, while his lyrics dig deep into people’s hearts and minds. Overwhelming, eccentric, multifaceted, he knows how to produce and write beautiful lyrics and interpret them in the best way. Maceo is an extraordinary rapper who expresses himself without any compromise, a real volcano of creativity. Maceo has already produced several works, only in 2019, six complete works between albums and singles, which are already successful among quality music lovers.

It has been a while since we had listened to a piece of such emotional power and sensibility. The music’s architecture, so perfectly organized, almost maniacal, makes the whole composition flow smoothly. Starting from the intro, the intense vocal parts, well supported by the excellent synth sounds, open the way to the drums in a harmonic crescendo, leading to the verses’ powerful rapping lines! The great lyrics interpreted excellently tell an extraordinary story, always well sustained by the instrumental base and melodic vocals that still hold the scene, never being intrusive, but supporting the whole music architecture dynamically and delicately. The result is an elegant and classy outcome, with a fantastic twist towards the end with the loops and sound effects!

“Let You Go” is just one of the great tracks Musa recorded recently; in his album “The Beauty of Pain,” we can also appreciate the excellent opening track “Relentless,” the powerful “Mind Right,” and the intense “Soul Search.” We highly suggest to all Hip-Hop lovers to check his whole discography out, as each release hides real gems of contemporary music!

Check the links below, discover more about Maceo Musa and his music, and don’t forget to add his tracks to your favorite playlists!

Spotify: Maceo Musa

Instagram: Maceo Musa

Apple Music: Maceo Musa

Twitter: Maceo Musa

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