Some artists have a genuine connection with their music. In the overcrowded and often frenetic nowadays music scene, it is quite rare to find talented musicians, singers, and songwriters who can turn into music real-life experiences, emotions, and dreams. Xenia is one of these few gifted artists, and thanks to her tracks, we can appreciate intense and engaging music that resonates deeply with the listeners. Today, at Planet Singer, we have the pleasure of listening to her latest song, “I Believe in You,” one of the best dance tracks of 2020 so far!
Xenia is a talented singer, songwriter, and producer originally from Russia and based in Sydney, Australia. Gifted with a natural musical talent from a very young age, Xenia fed her passion shaping her style and talent with countless collaborations and years of music education. Berkeley University graduated, Xenia is gifted with a melodious and rich voice, and her songwriting skills give her music that unique sound that it is her trademark!

“I Believe in You” is a beautiful track that engages the listener from the first notes. The catchy vocal melodies of the verses and chorus give this track a modern and fresh sound, and the incredible arrangement balances perfectly the whole song. Xenia’s voice interprets the beautiful lyrics, and thanks to her outstanding performance behind the microphone, we can appreciate all the positivity and emotions that this track expresses. The future is bright for this talented artist, and we can’t wait for her next release and hopefully, a full-length release soon!

Check the links below and discover more about Xenia and her music, and don’t forget to add her music to your favorite playlists!
Soundcloud: xeniasinger
Spotify: Xenia
YouTube: Xenia
Instagram: x_e_n_i_a_singer
Facebook: xeniasingeredmmusic
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